hey, let's be free together

Spiritual websites
by Human Design & Human Design Mentoring

Here at let's be free, it's all about the freedom of my clients. Do you want to act independently, free from limitations and restrictions and share your magic with the world through your own online business? Do you want to be visible with your offerings and be seen in your full essence?

Mein Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist deine spirituelle Webseite, angepasst an dein individuelles Human Design.

Are you ready to be visible?

or to elevate your visibility to the next level?

On social media, the goal is to constantly post, even if you don't feel like it. Otherwise, your content quickly gets lost among the thousands of posts. Where does the ease in business remain in that case?

If you truly want to be visible and have your website embody 100% of your pure, authentic self, I can create a new website for you or redesign your existing one, tailored to your individual Human Design. 

Your Human Design allows you to understand and effectively utilize your individual energy, integrating natural magnetism into your presence. I can assist you in aligning your business with the aspects that you naturally embody.

"If you allow someone to be who they are and they allow you to be who you are, then that's love. Everything else is torture."
- Ra Uru Hu -

This is you

  • One of your highest values is freedom. The "golden cage" no longer serves you – you want more, you want to be one of the leaders of the new era.

  • You love high-quality and magical design, and you yearn to see your essence embodied online in order to attract the perfect soulmate clients into your life.

  • You have heard a bit about Human Design and were absolutely fascinated by this metaphysical science, and you want to incorporate it into your life and business.

  • Instead of cluttering your website with text, you prefer to align your website more with your energy and essence, keeping it minimalist in other aspects. 

  • You would prefer to be fully booked, and you want it to be as easy as possible. I specialize in automating appointment bookings and online courses, and I guarantee that after my setup, you will only need to show up for your calls. The rest will be automated. 

Let's work together

You feel the inner calling to rediscover your true authentic self and share your magic with the world? 

I offer you my services in connection with Human Design, and all the offerings build upon each other:

From individual analysis to mentoring and website development, as well as my online courses (without Human Design focus) for building your own website.

OnePager in a day

In nur einem einzigen Arbeitstag erstelle ich in Ko-Kreation mit dir eine ästhetische, zu deiner Energie passende OnePager Webseite und mache sie launchfertig. 

Human Design Business Analysis

I explore your individual Human Design in relation to the aspect of your ideal business, one that doesn't drain your energy but instead gives you more energy. This way, you can do exactly what you came into this world to do! 

Website by Human Design

Your website should embody who you are as a person and energize you, rather than drain you. Ideally, it should incorporate automated appointment bookings and online courses. I combine beautiful web design with Human Design, magic, and automation, and I'm excited to showcase your true self on your website.

This is me

Alisa Ibikus

Hi, I'm Alisa. Sacral Generator with a 4/6 profile and the Right-Angle Cross of the Sphinx.

This cross is located in the Identity Center and has the ability to guide other people from darkness into light (visibility).

With this cross, it's about the direction in life. My energy supports the vision of your future: I assist you in materializing your vision online.

My conscious Sun is in Gate 7, the Gate of Leadership.

If you choose me, we will embark together on the path of your visibility, utilizing the guidance of your individual Human Design.

My branding archetype is a combination of Role Model and Creator.

"You've got a whole universe inside of you. Show yours to the world."
Alisa Ibikus


Now, it's your time to shine.

Contact me so that we can bring your unique magic into the world.
